Meet the team: Victoria Barrettt
Name: Victoria Barrett
Club Position: Website & Membership Officer
How did you get into the sport / join Havering Tri?
My first sporting love is swimming and I got bored of swimming around people in the public sessions. One day while getting changed at Hornchurch Pool I heard people talking about the club and decided to check it out. I over egged my prowess in the pool though, Kay put me in the top lane and I practically sunk by the end of it.
What's the best thing about being a member of HTC?
The support and friends I have made which has given me a lot of confidence.
Most memorable race you have competed in?
The Europe to Asia swim along the Bosphorus, all of Istanbul seemed to be out on the banks cheering us on, the sense of achievement when I finished was fantastic.
Your most embarrassing or funniest moment triathlon related?
Getting lost on the run at Burnham on Crouch and jogging round a power plant.
Whats the best advice that you would give to a new member of HTC?
Take it slow at first and see where your strengths are, don't buy all the kit and sign up to the hardest races until you are comfortable.