Long Course Weekend - Race Report
By Sarah Robson
LCW is a festival of swim bike & run and you can do a mix of 1900m/3800m swim on Friday. 40, 70 or 112 miles bike on Saturday and 5k,10k, half marathon and full marathon on Sunday
If you do all 3 full distances you get the coveted 4th medal, get to walk down the red carpet like the superstar you are.
Having done Ironman Wales in September 2023 and doing this event for training last year, but choosing not to go full I just had to go back... And also compare!
I've swum the sea in Tenby X3 now. At LCW last year clockwise then the Ironman swim was anti clockwise and by definition added some extra time to everyone. Both were easy in comparison to Friday... I detest sea swimming and tbh have done very little open water and even pool swims, in preparation for this event but had benefit of knowing I've swum here and if take on this challenge then definitely get sea swimming - nothing in a lake compares!
Friday the swim is 6pm and was THE worst swimming conditions I've ever experienced. It's an Aussie exit meaning you swim 1900, get out onto beach and get back in and go do it all again. Took me 47 mins first loop. 1 hour 50 in total.
The first loop was choppy enough. And from the swims previously the 2nd loop is always worse because tide changes. Weather also changed. It had been raining but was now chucking it down. The swell was well over 2ft and I got thrown every which way. Sighting the turn buoys was hard! If I'd seen a canoe I'd likely grabbed it for a breather and, potentially called it, as had a moment when seriously doubted I could do it.
I did and for just that swim alone I'm proud of myself! Glad a took a sea sickness tablet beforehand and also went for a poo whilst waiting in start pen - anyone who knows me/follows on Strava will know I need to do this!
I was able to eat well that night and slept ok-ish
Saturday was 7am start. The sportive takes you on a majority of the Ironman Wales route but you don't do some significant climbs so I'd say an easier bike. It's stunning. You can chat and draft and you get fed sausage and bacon baps, chips & pizza! Yes there is a cut off you need to consider if doing the full.
One of our group slid off bike on a left bend on a damp road, luckily only bruising and bike ok but whilst regrouping another 10 or so did same in the 15 mins we were there some really hurting themselves!

There is lots of support out in the villages and at Wiseman's beach and the ascent and in Saundersfoot where you climb out of the town and then hit heartbreak hill - but nothing like Ironman where this is just phenomenal in terms of noise and support.
The descent into town is nice and the finish line the 3 of us doing the full bike me, Jason & Kirk rode across together.
Grabbed an Erdinger and some food in event village which was buzzing and the sun shining too. We were within cut off, so only needing to get marathon done in time (6 hours is cut-off for run) and we had 4th medal in our sights.
We stayed, as have done each time, on Kiln Park caravan site which is literally next to event village so easy to get back to.
Back for shower and food and getting legs up was my Saturday night.
Sunday was awake early. Marathon starting at 10am. Slept ok ish. Ate porridge and had coffee so could and took an imodium. Legs feeling ok but lower back definitely feeling effects of swim and long day on bike (I've also had two surgeries for prolapsed discs and back sometimes tells me I'm doing too much!)

Our strategy was to walk up the hills and to keep an even talking pace throughout.
I literally chat to everyone and did lol and can honestly say that whilst this marathon is wayyyyy harder than the Ironman route that I had the best day. It didn't feel like a marathon. Helped that the three of us kept reigning each other in, were joined halfway by Sue doing half marathon and at 20 miles by Mark doing 10k. We had drizzle, sea mist and hot sun in various intervals and again the aid stations well stocked and the marshals just fantastic. It is far hillier than the 4 loop Ironman course, steeper ups so if course steeper downs!
Got this marathon done in 4.54 ! Chuffed to bits and getting confirmation that will get to go on red carpet - and get the 4th medal - just so happy.
LCW really do make sure to celebrate your achievement and announce your name and you're called to get 4th medal, wearing each medal you've already successfully aimed for.
They sit/slot together making one big medal
Do I recommend this... Absolutely. You don't have to do the full distances to enjoy the whole event as it really is a festival atmosphere.
